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This nail polish drys really quickly especially compared to other OPI polishes. I wanted a festive color for Christmas so I decided to try and apply a few coats of the polish to create a deeper red. In just one coat the nail is fully covered, in two it turned to a nice sparkly pink. Since I wanted a red color I applied four coats and it turned out very nice, just how I wanted it. The texture is very interesting and I always find myself touching my nails. While I didn’t apply a topcoat, the polish did chip after about three days of wearing it. To fix the chips I applied another coat and they looked as good as new. I would recommend wearing a top coat with this polish and according to other reviews, it does not conflict with the texture at all unless you apply 3+ coats of top coat.
Matte hot pink sand with bits of shimmer and glitter. There’s random pieces of star shaped confetti and small hexagon shaped glitter. 2 coats looks perfect and it dries very fast. You do not need a top coat and it’s easy to touch up.
Mixed feelings on this one. The colour, a rich, raspberry pink-red, is beautiful. The texture is all right, as well. Application is straightforward, and the polish is opaque in two coats.
As for the glitter, it’s problematic. There are stars, diamonds, and hexagons, but the stars are pretty hard to come by. I did manage to get one on my nail, but despite careful placement, one of the points stuck up after the polish dried and caught on various things. I tried to cut it off with cuticle scissors, but with the surface being so textured, it proved quite difficult. So, not very impressed with the star glitter, to say the least.
That being said, I do quite like this polish. The colour is lovely and vibrant, and the texture is pleasant to look at. It doesn’t actually dry matte, in my view, but to a more waxy, plasticky type finish. It’s not shiny, but it’s not really matte, either. You can put top coat on this polish to smooth it out and make it all shiny, of course, but it will take more than one coat to get it smooth. I recommend using a coat of plain old clear polish, followed by a top coat.
I don’t think I’ll be doing many entire manicures (or pedicures) with this polish, but it does make an excellent accent or feature nail. The beautiful colour and interesting texture are perfect for it.
I bought the Mariah Carey mini set to try the ‘Liquid Sand’ texture finish polish, and loved this shade so much that I bought a full size bottle. THE IMPOSSIBLE is sort of like Revlon’s Cherries In The Snow; red with a strong pink undertone, so it’s a perfect red shade for those of us who don’t feel very confident wearing red. This polish takes at least two coats for the effects of the textured finish; sometimes two coats doesn’t look fully opaque, but I don’t mind the semi-sheer look.
I love the look and feel of the ‘liquid sand’ finish. It is made to be worn without a topcoat for the gritty, matt finish, but as there are glitter articles in the polish it looks good with topcoat too. I prefer the matt look of this polish, so I do fin it will chip faster then normal OPI polishes, but as it has a textured finish touch ups are easy to do and are unidentifiable.
I picked this polish for the shade and finish so I don’t have any complaints with it, however if you want this for the star shaped glitter you might not be so happy. The star shaped particles are bigger [therefore heavier] then the other pieces of glitter, so getting the brush to pick up the pieces is a bit hit and miss.
This is such a fun, playful rose red, pinkish glitter starry, liquid sand polish. I actually love how this polish feels when I rub my fingertips on my nails. The only downsides I encountered was getting only 1 star on each nail & the star chipping off the next day and this OPI shade chipped a lot faster than they usually do.
I got my Acrylic nails filled and got this color on both my fingers and toes the hologram glitter is spare and I didn’t get one star on my nails 🙁 it was ok I would never buy
I was so excited to try this polish. The colour is great, the texture is different and it actually looks really nice on – I don’t currently have any colour like it…But, I applied it last night, showered this morning and it is already chipping! For fear of losing the textured finish, I did not apply a topcoat. Might be worth another try with a topcoat?