Where to buy MATTIERENDE (daycream) for mixeskin 50ml in the USA?
If you can’t find where to buy MATTIERENDE (daycream) for mixeskin 50ml near you, we can easily help you find a place where you can quickly and cheaply buy.
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How to find the best price on MATTIERENDE (daycream) for mixeskin 50ml?
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I bought it after some advices. First impression is : the smell is so so chemical, so terrible:(. The white cream was put in a plastic jar. When I opened it, the lemon smell is everywhere, so terrible, I had to put it outside. The cream dry in to my face so so fast, like it took 5 sec and wow your face still dry
But in the ingredient had kaolin, I don’t think it good to apply part of kaolin on face for long time
I really don’t like this, I just try to use it till ends. It isn’t expensive at all. DO NOT BUY IT.