Category: Lotions/ Creams
Brand: Laura Mercier
Where to buy Ambre Vanille Souffle Body Creme in the USA?
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Delicious, sexy, warm, inviting, lux, creamy. This is the stuff I use for spa nights for a beautiful experience. It is not extraordinarily moisturizing but it does the job. It makes the skin comfortable but not absolutely silky. The scent lasts and lasts. I’ve even re-worn a pajama set a couple of weeks later and it’s still on the set! It’s seductive and when I wake up the sheets and my entire bedroom smell heavily. This is definitely gourmand but will make you smell and feel like a sexy French treat. Packaging is heavy glass but will look gorgeous displayed on a safe and sturdy part of your bathroom or bedroom. Buy it for the experience, the scent, the splurge. Don’t expect it to be heavy duty moisture. Pair it with the scrub and you’re in for a real treat. A real expensive treat. I buy this 20% off. Momma didn’t raise no fool.
P.S. If you use this on freshly shaven skin don’t be surprised by the mild sting. If you have sensitive skin maybe get a sample or do a test patch.
I agree with MissOrthodox who wrote a bang-on accurate review. I have fragrance sensitivities so many spray on perfumes gives me headaches and close my throat up, no matter how cheap or expensive they are. i do love the scent of vanilla though and finally i discovered this souffle body creme that is so subtle yet has an amazing staying power!
as other reviewers say the scent lingers for ages – 6 hours perhaps, without top up. i bought the large tub as that was the only size available at SpaceNK (UK). I paid a whopping GBP45 for it but I used a combination of reward points and a gift card, so it didn’t hurt that much. not sure if i would pay the full price though. the 300g tub is going to last me for at least a year i think. i apply my usual non-scented moisturizer (E45) on most of my body and add this on where one would normally apply perfume – wrists (and upper arms), neck and shoulders. i’ve decanted it into little pots which i now use as a hand cream and top-up fragrance, keeping some at work, my handbag, and my gym bag.
the overall scent is extremely pleasing, its like being enveloped in a comfy blanket of yummy cosiness! im not that familiar with the other scents but im keeping my eyes out for the holiday or gift sets where u get tiny tubs of all of the eau gourmande range. loving this product very much.
1. Smells divine
2. Scent lingers forever
3. Tons of compliments when wearing – especially from guys. One guy complimented me on it and actually took a note of the name to buy it for his girlfriend!
4. A little goes a long way, you can just cream your torso and thats more than enough. You don’t need to buy the large pot unless your literally creaming your whole body from head to toe.
5. Perfect for any occasion, day or night
6. Perfect for those who can’t or don’t like spray perfumes, but want a more natural fragrance that moulds to your bodies own natural scent when it dries down.
7. It automatically boosts your confidence, because you smell sexy and sexy is feminine!
1. Can become very overpowering if you use it too much and too often
2. Very expensive
3. Awkward little pots, would have been better in a tub with a wider opening so as to reach product more easily.
Overall: 10/10
Smells amazing! It stays on for hours love it!
Regarding the “orgasmic-bliss” comment below, HELL YEAH! Ambre Vanille is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The first time I sampled the Ambre Vanille Souffle Body Crème I was in heaven …. I immediately purchased the soufflé and matching body scrub and then I annoyed the salesperson asking her why there wasn’t a matching perfume (which is out now and completes the soufflé and body scrub.) I cannot put into words how delicious Ambre Vanille’s soufflé is …. it smells beyond delicious and you can wear it alone without the matching perfume. I get compliments each and every time I wear the soufflé alone …… It is sweet and sexy at the same time and if your body does well with sweeter fragrances, then this is a must. In terms of strength, the Souffle has the strongest scent, followed by the body scrub and last by the perfume …… the perfume does not hit on the scent of the Souffle 100% and is more of a distant cousin of the Souffle, but yet complements the Souffle well. (enough about the scent, I also want to mention that it makes my skin feel so soft especially after slathering some of the Souffle on after a shower.)
OMG, pure heaven! DH complimented me while coming out of the bathroom saying how lovely it smelled. So creamy, dreamy & sexy.
*throws head back in orgasmic-like bliss*
A delectable, delicious, sexy-yet-sweet scent from Laura Mercier. It has a soft, powdery quality that is evenly tempered by equal hits of sensual amber and smoky vanilla. Not boozy at all, and not frostingly heavy either.
For those who thought LM’s other vanilla scents too were cloying and a diabetic sugar nightmare, (yeah, i’m looking at *you*, Creme Brulee) I highly recommend Ambre Vanille as a more grown-up substitute. It’s a more chic, sophisticated fragrance that never veers to teeny bopper territory yet will leave suitors mouthwateringly longing for your sillage to return. It would be the perfect layering product for HdP’s Ambre 114.
If you loved LM’s pistachio body souffle, you will love this as well.
The best part about her souffles is that they last as long as an edp. i used it as a hand cream and i can’t stop sniffing myself. I’m in love…