Where to buy Alexa Persico Cosmetics “Lip Velour” in the USA?
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Had to write another review on this company! I have been using their products for over a year now and this line has become one of my favorites. Particulary her “Lip Velour” Collection. These lip glosses are a non-sticky high shine gloss that glide on effortlessly. It literally feels like “Velour” on your lips (Guess thats why they call it lip velour! lol) I have shades “HUSH” , “NAKED”,”HOCUS POCUS”, & “DREAMER”. Out of all of them my favorite shade is Naked If you are looking for a perfect nude gloss this shade is a must try!
Rated 5 out of 5 by ColbiMissamaturist from Kiss Me Up I love the packaging and the fact that my lipstick was so cute and so tiny, so clearly made me want to wear it. Overall, it’s a great color for me and I totally recommend it.
Rated 5 out of 5 by Mather1955 from Perfect Wet & Dry As I applied this to my lips it lifted my foundation onto them, which used to hold their color, smooth my complexion and prevent eyes from feeling too cold, even if that happens to me, it was a great product! I have no issue wearing these anywhere other than at night and it makes me think twice about wearing them indoors. I like the texture of these because they are so unique and I can only pair them with my lipstick.
Rated 5 out of 5 by FrancineK from Crafty matte first person application with great color… Perfect mixture of rich pigmented color with surprisingly smooth surface. Color-wise it is very neutral/creamy for my lips.
Rated 5 out of 5 by Clover1450 from Good color This is a great black lipstick that gets added to make my lips look slightly thicker, is very subtle and moisturizing. When wet, this will have a glossy finish.
Rated 5 out of 5 by Voleflope from I highly recommend this product the pigment (Hylo Petino Creme) makes your lips look fuller and more matte. I also feel this is an exclusive creme that doesn’t allow your lips to be just too firm or too small, making your lips seem really puffy. It’s perfect with todays blush and lightweight moisturizers. I’m very pleased with the quality of this lipstick and am so glad that this product is available.
Rated 5 out of 5 by KimJenKam! from great product Bought this for my warm blue lips and did some little handshakes while sleeping and then some more shaking with various mini purses when I felt a bit more light. Looks great without any wrinkles. Works great and looks GREAT without changing my lips. Love the lipstick! 🙂
Rated 5 out of 5 by Debbie from True LOVE LOVE HATE HATE HATE HATE Love Love Love love LOVE Love LOVE
Rated 5 out of 5 by Daniel (1) from Makeup Forever Ours did not disappoint. The eye gloss that my (of course) eye makeup is able to achieve is a
Had to write another review on this company! I have been using their products for over a year now and this line has become one of my favorites. Particulary her “Lip Velour” Collection. These lip glosses are a non-sticky high shine gloss that glide on effortlessly. It literally feels like “Velour” on your lips (Guess thats why they call it lip velour! lol) I have shades “HUSH” , “NAKED”,”HOCUS POCUS”, & “DREAMER”. Out of all of them my favorite shade is Naked If you are looking for a perfect nude gloss this shade is a must try!