Category: Eyeliner
Brand: Essence
Where to buy Essence Liquid Ink Eyeliner in the USA?
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I am no eyeliner expert, in fact, I’m not even at the stage that I can wear it out yet, I just practise and play around with it. From what I can tell, this eyeliner is super pigmented. It’s pretty easy to apply but the brush does hold a lot of ink at first so you want to wipe off excess before applying.
I bought it yesterday and i didn’t have really high hopes, but it turned ot to be great
Super affordable
The brush picks up a lot of product
When I try to pull the brush out it spreads the product everywhere
Overall it’s a good product that I recommend
* i’m talking about the non-waterproof version, i haven’t used the other one.
I had this eyeliner in waterproof. Terrible applicator, not precise at all. The product itself gets extremely crumbly as soon as it dries on the lid. The only pro is that it’s affordable. Would not recommend.
This is one of my most repurchased products and I will continue to repurchase it. It simply works, it’s black, stays put, easy to use and is extremely cheap. It’s a total “workhorse” like the ladies on reddit like to say. The only sliiiiighhhhhtt down point would be that I would rather have a brush that is the tiniest bit thinner. But oh well.
– Price!
– Pigmented
– Easy of use
Packaging – brush needs wiping after pulled out when brand new. Not a biggie though when price considered.
I found this product after looking at reviews online for a waterproof eyeliner. I’ve been using Stila’s for a while now, it definitely has it’s cons – you can check my review.
This liner is fantastic, $6 AUD, pigmented, waterproof, easy to use – LOVE! This product is my new favourite liquid liner and the best affordable make-up find I’ve had in a long time. Highly recommend. Just make sure you like the brush liners, this is a nice thin one but I know some don’t like this applicator.
Amazing product, not so good for begginers
So I gave this product a really high rating but would unfortunately not purchase it again (I used the non-waterproof version). It checks most of the boxes, i.e. it’s really dark, has great lasting power, does not smudge and is really affordable. However, I am a perfectionist when it comes to winged eyeliner and the flimsy brush at the end of the wand makes it hard to control and get that perfectly smooth line. I think it would be great if the same formula was packaged with a different wand.
Waterproof One
Hmm. Surprised at the high rating. There are many things I like about it, but at the end of the day, it didn’t do what I needed.
– price! Essence has great quality, affordable price
– brush and not felt tip offering – there are many felt pens out there and the accurate, beloved brush seems to be harder to find on the market
– staying power. At least for th waterproof one, it seems to stay when I first put it on, but it doesn’t last through the day. It “flakes off” by the afternoon
– Colour on application – I Guess because it is in such liquid form (alcohol?), it’s so vicious I have to apply multiple brush strokes
– brush length – too long. Due to the length, I actually found it difficult to control accurately. I did end up cutting the brush to a shorter length, and it seemed to work
All in all, not purchasing again until they change the formula. Kiko liquid eyeliner waterproof is still my HG.
I have this in the bronze shade. Easy to use, thin and precise applicator, really affordable. Stays on quite well.