Where to buy Baies Candle in the USA?
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Smells like Rose and Freesia, with a slightly fruity note too. Hands down the most expensive candle I’ve ever purchased ($65 USD for 6.5 oz) but I’ve had it for almost 2 years and not even a third of the way through it (burning it on average once every week) so value for money is actually pretty good. Takes about 15 minutes before the fragrance reaches the edges of a moderate sized room and even after blowing out, I still get a good amount of scent for the next hour or so. The fragrance, although not my absolute favorite from the Diptyque range, is still nice enough: both mildly sweet and a very clean floral that’s elegant without being too stuffy.
Selena x
~ My HG list ~
(As I’ve sampled 100s of skin, hair and m/u products over the last decade and a half, I thought it might be useful to share my top 10 must-have products, subject to change if and when I come across something more effective. I love constantly trying out new stuff – usually sample sizes via e-bay, also plenty courtesy of a friend who works at Sephora)
1. Hair Loss Treatment: ‘Divine Herbal’ – Hair Oil
2. Lip Balm: ‘Nuxe’ – Reve De Miel Lip Balm
3. Pigmentation + Anti-Ageing Treatment: ‘Divine Herbal’ – Facial Treatment Serum
4. Cleanser: ‘Paula’s Choice’ – Skin Balancing Cleanser
5. Concealer: ‘Mac’ – Studio Finish Concealer
6. Lash Growth Serum: ‘Divine Herbal’ – Divinelash
7. Foundation/SPF: ‘Juice Beauty’ – Stem Cellular Repair (warm glow)
8. Face Scrub: ‘Sisley’ – Botanical Gentle Buffing Cream
9. Moisturizer: ‘Lush’ – Enzymion
10. Hand Cream: ‘Origins’ – Make A Difference Rejuvenating Hand Treatment
Although these candles are pricey they are totally worth. They last forever, the scents really fill a room so you don’t have to burn them for long. Plus the scents are so unique. The Baies one and The Black Baies ones are my favorites. It is a very sensual scent that fills a room and lingers. Pure heaven.
6. Diptyque Baies Scented Candle £52,Diptyque
The French Perfumer produce scented candles made from a high quality vegetable/paraffin wax mix that burn cleanly and evenly with a lead-free wick made from cotton and a unique mix of natural ingredients to produce an assault of incredibly seductive scents that are reminiscent of exotic destinations. Fruity, Floral, Herbal, Spicy and Woody, all packaged in a clear glass tumbler with the trademark black and white labels.
The Baies luxury candle would suit candle lovers who prefer the fruity category but i think it would be equally at home in floral also. Its combination of blackcurrant leaves and roses that at first may not sound like a desirable mix, This candle definitely leans towards the spicier, woody fragrances. This Candle really caught our attention. we all realy fell in love with the freshness and originality of this scent. It has the perfect mix of sharp fruitiness and delicate floral, neither scent overpowers the other but they compliment each other beautifully.
You can buy Dyptique candles online and they are available in a variety of sizes: the small size 70g retails at £20 and the larger size 190g at £40, there are also larger, outdoor and coloured versions of some of the candles available.
My only child (adult male) bought me this lovely candle as a surprise for Christmas 2016. What a treat! It burns beautifully, has a wonderful non-offensive scent (my hubby hates heavy scented candles) and it just feels like such an indulgence to have.
The only reason I would not repurchase is I just can’t justify the high price. As a gift, it was one I will always treasure!
Treat yourself if you have the $$$ or ask for it for birthday, Mother’s day, or some other occasion 🙂
This scent is intoxicating in such a good way. In envelopes my entire home in such a cozy, soft and warm scent. I am in love with this candle. Great throw. It’s just amazing. I am not good at differentiating fragrance notes, but this is seriously awesome. I’ve read the notes and have never ever had the pleasure of this scent anywhere.
Pretty expensive at $62 a candle,but I will spend every extra cent I have on this one.
Good bye Yankee Candle! I am hooked!
if you are familiar with south-east asian cultures and religions, you will immediately know the scent. It smells exactly like the rosewater that is used abundantly in religious ceremonies and cultural festivals in the region (not the kind that you find in baking aisle or two dollar shop. but the ones that are made the traditional way in the region). If you are first introduced to that smell through this candle, then you will like it. It is a true depiction of fresh rose petals stepped in water. however if you are familiar with the real rosewater scent then you will be dissapointed in paying top dollar for the parisian version of it when you know there are better alternatives out there.
Expensive but very classy. Definitely sets the mood.
Baies Room Spray & Candles – I began using this particular rose scent (in both the candle & spray form) in the early 2000s. It was the most beautifully unique, fresh, light, crisp and even slightly citrusy rose scent I’d ever encountered and converted me to an instant connoisseur of all things rose. It lingered in my home for hours after spraying and made my bedroom smell like a cross between a relaxing high-end boudoir and refreshing garden oasis. Unfortunately, I still haven’t found anything that even remotely resembles this scent or comes close to competing with it in terms of pure gorgeousness.
As passionate as I am about scents, I’d nevertheless be blissfully happily If I could never again use anything but Baies for home fragrancing. Considering that I’m a passionate advocate of essential oils, that is saying quite a bit. However, if given a lifetime supply of it, I’d settle for using my essential oils for topical purposes only. Even the bottle is beautiful and the candle is perfection.
The only drawback is the outrageous price. Fortunately, despite multiple moves and a criminal heist by anonymous individuals who heartlessly used a combination of fraud and terroristic tactics in order to rob both my immediate family and myself of nearly everything of value I had ever inherited, purchased, acquired, created or been gifted with throughout the better part of my life, I still have approximately 1/8 (at most) of a bottle of the room spray remaining. I treasure & hoard it like the holy grail that it is and pray that they never stop making it so that I can, perhaps, one day replace it.
Very fragrant candles. Baies is very unique. It’s a classy scent that smells sophisticated
Not my favourite candle by Diptyque. Still deliberating on whether to return it unlit or give it a chance to grow on me. Just smelling it for the first time through the box whacked me in the face in an almost bad way..
Its got a sharp, green tomatoey note that annoys my nose. I can sense the rose in here but it is so slight. The only sweetness is the sour sweetness of the blackcurrant. Obviously the sharpness won’t annoy everybody’s nose but maybe test this before buying if you are sensitive. I think my body probably just knows whats best, as my eyes are beginning to water sitting in the same room as the boxed candle… Im probably allergic to it.
Its super soapy too, separately, I hate that.
Does anyone know if this morphs when warm??
Im still making up my mind but I think I want to get as far away from this as possible. Its way too strong its nearly annoying for me unfortunately.
Two stars because I’m sure Diptyque know what theyre doing and it would be a nice candle for somebody else! But for me and a sensitive sense of smell its kind of obnoxious, gross and strong. I feel like a whinger for leaving a negative review of Diptyque, but I think its a love or dislike scent. You can only try it and see.