Where to buy The Ordinary 100% Cold-Pressed Virgin Marula Oil in the USA?
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I was going to purchase Drunk Elephant marula oil when I saw Ordinary oil. For the price, I had to try it. sells this product if you don’t want to order directly from website. The packaging is a very simple dropper container. The product is very runny. I would recommend pull the dropper out and empty it in the bottle before puling dropper out of the bottle. The product will dispense quickly and it is messy.
I will apply this at night as part of my routine and in the morning my skin feels soft. I will apply two drops on each side of my face at night. During the day, two drops is too much. I went down to 1 drop on each side of my face. You need to wait for the product to fully absorb into the skin or your foundation is sit on top of the skin. I do get a glow after 1 week of use.
I have noticed that using this product, I use less foundation. That is a plus.
PRO: price
CON: dropper can be messy
Excellent moisturizer. No greasy feel and doesn’t make me break out. Bought at Ulta for $10 compared to Drunk Elephant marula oil for $70. Will definitely repurchase and try more TO products.
When I first tried this oil I found no change in the first week or two of using it, my skin still felt dry and I felt maybe it was too light to have an affect on my skin as I use Paula’s choice BHA to help with acne. Fast forward 6 months and I’m now on my second bottle. I’m not sure what took a while to start taking effect but I’m happy I persisted because it doesn’t clog my pores, encourage acne or make me sore. It’s light and comfortable to wear with no smell and in no way has it transformed the appearance of my skin or have I seen a miracle take place but it does what I needed, moisturises without irritating my skin. The highlights for me are the price and the quality and the fact that after I use it on my face I can rub the residue through the ends of my hair which soaks it right up. I have very fine hair and this oil does not weigh it down. I have no reason not to buy it again and if there are any guides on how to combine The ordinary products I’d like to hear it because they are a fantastic brand.
My skin is very sensitive and I am allergic to silicone. My face has been drier than before, and I have been looking for something to keep it comfortable. This oil works well for me. I apply it after the EUK 134 only in the morning, then I put on some facial cream and physical sunscreen. I feel comfortable all day. It is easier to spread the sunscreen too. Will buy it again for sure.
I love this Marula oil. Comparable to the Drunk Elephant Marula Oil. I get the same results from use, though I do find that The Ordinary’s is slightly thicker (which I don’t mind). I use my oil mixed with my nighttime moisturizer or as a topper for my night time skincare routine.
The bottle is small but for $5 it’s a friggin steal.
This calms my eczema and one a super dry patch it’s solves my problem overnight.
I love the Ordinary Marula Oil when it’s used on my hair, but not so much on the face. Here’re the pros and cons after using this antioxidant oil for 6 months:
What’s Great?
1. No Pimples
2. Face Feels Soft & Moisturized
3. Healthier-Looking Hair
4. Non-Greasy Hair
5. Affordably-Priced Facial Oil
What’s Bad?
1. Slight Tugging During Application
2. Greasy Afterfeel (On Face)
3. No Visible Improvement to Dehydrated Skin
You can check out full review and recommendation at
I’m on my second bottle of this oil however I don’t use it on my face. I use it on my hair and it’s made such a difference in texture and overall healthy hair. I wash and dry gently, then rub a few drops through the mid length and ends and wrap up my hair in my aquis turban. I barely need to brush it afterwards, never mind style it. Definitely recommend.
Oh boy, I looooove this. It’s definitely HG for me! I have combination skin (oily t-zone, normal u-zone) and I typically apply one drop to each cheek and one drop to my forehead at night as the final step to my skincare routine. I’ve been using this regularly for three months now, and it helps my skin look super glowy and radiant!!! It hasn’t broken me out yet, so I’m assuming it doesn’t really clog my pores. It also absorbs into my skin pretty quickly and leaves my skin looking healthy, soft and fresh the next morning. Its scent is mild and I don’t notice it. What’s not to love?
I wouldn’t recommend wearing this out during the daytime just because of how oily it’ll make you look, unless you have dry skin or if you mix it in with your foundation or something. I wore this out under my concealer (I don’t use foundation) and ended up looking like an oil slick the entire day
For its price, it does a fantastic job and I will be repurchasing this once it runs out.
Started using this over a year ago, it’s truly been a lifesaver! Would recommend to anyone with dry skin… It’s helping me wean off Avene Hydrance Optimale Riche (want to go cruelty free) although I still feel I need a moisturiser to go with it.
A++ and I don’t think there is any noticeable difference between this and the DE marula oil.
Really good oil and at an unbeatable price. I mix with a couple of other Deciem oils and love how they absorb into my skin – best face oils I’ve ever used. Has no fragrance and light enough to tap around eye orbital.